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Women’s Wellness: Do You Need Magnesium Supplements?

Ladies, this underrated mineral just might be what your routine needs.

Magnesium supplements, particularly magnesium glycinate, are creating quite a buzz in wellness circles. Ask your girl friends—one of them has likely heard of it or is already taking it, whether for better sleep, to improve PMS symptoms, or to regulate sugar levels. But with so much chatter, it’s natural to wonder: Do you need them, too? Let’s delve into why this mineral might be important for your health, especially if you’re a busy woman navigating the demands of daily life.

What’s the deal with magnesium?

Magnesium is a powerhouse mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It supports muscle function, nerve transmission, blood sugar regulation, and bone health. Your body naturally contains magnesium, primarily stored in your bones and muscles. This mineral plays a critical role in maintaining essential functions and ensuring that your body operates smoothly.

Despite its crucial role, many people don’t get enough magnesium from their diet alone. This is especially relevant for women in the Philippines, where dietary patterns and environmental factors might contribute to lower magnesium levels. Factors like dietary choices, high stress, and soil depletion (which reduces the mineral content of crops) can exacerbate magnesium deficiency.

For women, this deficiency can manifest in various ways, including muscle cramps, fatigue, irritability, and heightened PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms. Other signs of magnesium deficiency include nausea, loss of appetite, headaches, and heart palpitations.

”I see patients with low magnesium levels who have sleep disturbances such, as difficulty sleeping and altered sleep patterns,” says Dr. Maximin Navarro, resident dermatologist at Bella Pelle Skin Solutions and a fellow of the Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS). “There are also patients who complain of depression, chronic fatigue and gut issues such as digestion problems and constipation.”

The magnesium effect

Curious how this mineral affects your body and how you feel? Here are some key benefits that can make a real difference in women’s health:

  1. It helps manage PMS symptoms.
    If you dread that time of the month, magnesium might be your new best friend. It can significantly reduce bloating, mood swings, and menstrual cramps by helping your muscles relax and stabilizing your mood-regulating neurotransmitters. It’s beneficial for menopausal women, too, helping alleviate symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. (Also read: Skincare During Menopause: Should I Change My Routine?)
  2. It aids in stress relief and promotes better sleep.
    Magnesium supports relaxation and can improve sleep quality by aiding in the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. It’s like a natural, calming boost to help you unwind.
  3. It helps improve bone health.
    While calcium gets a lot of attention, magnesium is equally vital for bone health. It helps the body absorb and use calcium effectively, supporting strong bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  4. It improves insulin sensitivity.
    This mineral plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes and other metabolic issues especially in women dealing with insulin resistance or conditions like PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
  5. It supports heart health.
    A known heart hero, magnesium helps maintain a steady heartbeat and regulate blood pressure. This is particularly important for women, as cardiovascular health becomes increasingly critical with age.
  6. It’s a proven mood booster.
    Did you know that women with inadequate magnesium levels are more prone to depression? Studies have shown that magnesium aids in managing mood fluctuations, keeping your emotional health in check. .
  7. It improves digestive health.
    Digestive discomforts like constipation can be prevented with magnesium since it helps relax the muscles of the digestive tract, promoting smoother digestion and regular bowel movements. .
  8. It enhances energy levels.
    Feeling fatigued? Magnesium plays a vital role in energy production at the cellular level, helping to combat tiredness and keeping you energized throughout the day.

Where can I get magnesium naturally?

Before you rush to the supplement aisle, consider incorporating more magnesium-rich foods into your diet. Here are some great and accessible options:

  • Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, and malunggay (moringa) are excellent sources.
  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds pack a magnesium punch.
  • Fish: Fatty fish like bangus (milkfish) and tilapia provide good amounts of magnesium.
  • Whole grains: Opt for brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat products.
  • Legumes: Beans and lentils are also rich in magnesium.

So do you need a magnesium supplement?

For people suspected to have magnesium deficiency, “a serum magnesium level [test] may be requested,” says Dr. Navarro. Aside from this, a micronutrient sensor test may be done to determine the levels of other nutrients in the blood, and not just magnesium.

“Older adults, like those age 50 and above, are at higher risk of having low magnesium,” he adds. “As one ages , the body becomes less able to absorb magnesium. There are also many chronic illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis, which increase the possibility of magnesium deficiency. These illnesses require medications which may hinder the body from properly absorbing magnesium.”

That said, if you’re experiencing symptoms of deficiency or find it challenging to get enough magnesium through your diet, it’s always best to check in with your doctor so he can recommend proper supplementation. Magnesium glycinate, a combination of magnesium and antioxidant-rich amino acid glycine, is a popular choice due to its high absorption rate and gentle impact on the digestive system.

Some options to try:

Metagenics Mag Glycinate, P1,800

This offers an easily digestible form of magnesium that’s gentle on the stomach.

Pure Encapsulations Magnesium (Citrate/Malate), by order

This highly bioavailable magnesium chelate is made with high-quality vegan ingredients.

Important: Before starting any new supplement, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider. He or she can help assess your magnesium levels and guide you on the right dosage for your individual needs.

For customized skincare recommendations, you can book a face-to-face or virtual dermatological consultation with Dr. Maximin Navarro, our resident dermatologist and a Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS) fellow, here. You may also contact the Bella Pelle Skin Solutions Clinic at (+63) 999-887-1933. You may also view the full list of our facial services and treatments here.

Bella Pelle Skin Solutions is located 2/F L Building, #142 Katipunan, Brgy. Saint Ignatius, Quezon City. The center is open Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


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