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Why Cellulite Is Normal And How To Manage It (If You Want To!)

Guess what: It affects up to 90% of women.

Some call it cottage cheese skin, others use the term “orange peel.” For most, it’s simply called cellulite, a.k.a. a skin phenomenon that’s the source of anxiety or insecurity for a lot of women.

But here’s the thing: The dimpled skin on your thighs, abdomen, arms, or even on your buttocks? They’re actually normal. Cellulite affects up to 90% of women and can start manifesting as early as after puberty. Adult women of all ages, ethnicities, and BMIs can have it—even those with lean and muscular bodies—so it’s not just limited to certain types of women. As we get older, though, the appearance of cellulite can worsen as skin gradually loses its firmness and elasticity.

What is cellulite?

A harmless condition, cellulite is caused by the interaction of subcutaneous fat and fibrous connective tissue. When fatty tissue pokes through the fibrous bands that connect skin to muscle, it causes the appearance of lumpy, dimpled skin. Age, hormones, genetic factors, circulatory problems, nutritional problems, and neurological factors can also exacerbate its appearance.

There are actually three types of cellulite. Adipose cellulite is the most common type and is linked to excess fat. Aqueous cellulite, meanwhile, usually comes with bloating or water retention. The last one is fibrous cellulite, which feels hard to the touch and can sometimes be painful when skin is pinched.

Oddly enough, cellulite doesn’t affect men as much (it only affects 10% of males) and experts attribute this to the fact that men have much stronger connective tissues and much less subcutaneous fat compared to women.

To treat or not to treat

Cellulite isn’t really a medical problem; it’s a cosmetic issue. That said, there’s absolutely no shame in having them—or flaunting them—like what some models and celebrities are doing now in a bid to spread #bodypositivity. Alternatively, it’s also okay to want to treat them or make the lumpy ripples on the skin disappear. Sadly, there’s no magic fix that can erase cellulite completely. Surgeries, lasers, and energy-based devices can offer drastic improvement, but no solution is permanent.

The good news? You can manage and minimize the cottage-cheese texture on your skin with products containing skin-renewing and exfoliating ingredients. According to Michelle Reyes-Navarro, co-founder of Bella Pelle Philippines, Biologique Recherche offers an effective skin care regimen to target cellulite.

“Topical treatments can only do so much, but because of Biologique Recherche’s high-quality, natural ingredients, and unique protocol, you can really see an improvement in the appearance of cellulite,” she says. This is especially true for adipose cellulite, which is the easiest to treat. To maximize the results, she adds that it’s best to follow the entire regimen instead of using just one product. Of course, regular exercise and good nutrition—including proper hydration—should be prioritized as these greatly affect skin’s health.

Here’s an easy four-step routine to reduce skin dimpling and even out the skin tone using Biologique Recherche products:

Step 1: Apply the Biologique Recherche Lotion P50 Corps using the with the Biologique Recherche Gant De Massage Corps (Body Massage Glove) . Gently massage on skin, particularly on problem areas.

The Lotion P50 Corps features the coveted P50 formula to gently exfoliate and retexturize the skin while boosting hydration levels. The Body Massage Glove, meanwhile, encourages the penetration of active ingredients and maximizes the effects of the lotion. Use the side of the glove with the big spikes when applying the Lotion P50 Corps, and use the other side (with smaller spikes) when applying the rest of the products.

Step 2: Apply two to three pumps of the Biologique Recherche Serum Matriciel (Body) to the affected areas and spread evenly.

Formulated with more than 10 active ingredients with tightening and toning properties, this serum helps restore skin structure and volume.

Step 3: Once the serum is absorbed (wait around five minutes), apply two to three pumps of Biologique Recherche Lipogen AC. You may use the glove as necessary.

This oil has a rich formula of concentrated active ingredients that visibly improve the “orange peel” appearance, activates drainage, and improves circulation—for firmer and smoother skin.

Step 4: Finish off by applying the Biologique Recherche Creme Reparatrice to the skin.

A toning and invigorating cream, this boosts skin elasticity, helping manage cellulite and even stretch marks.

If you wish to consult with a dermatologist to determine the proper course of treatment for the type of cellulite that you have, Bella Pelle Philippines offers online skin care consultations. You can book your appointment here.


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