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Flaunt a sexy, flawless back this summer. 

With summer quickly approaching, you may be getting ready to don all your swimsuits, backless tops and skin-baring clothes, only to be greeted by an unexpected visitor: that pesky bacne showing up this time of year.

As temperatures heat up, the possibility of suffering from bacne becomes even more likely, hampering your chances of sporting your summer-ready wardrobe. If you’re one of those who have been spotting clusters of zits on their backs, it may provide some comfort to know that this is a common problem, and you are not alone.

So, where does bacne exactly come from? In a nutshell, bacne, like other kinds of acne that sprout on different parts of your body, stems from clogged pores due to a mixture of sweat, oil, as well as grime that sits on the skin. Furthermore, when hair follicles become inflamed and infected, this results in folliculitis.

How to Banish Bacne in Time for Summer

Fortunately, the treatment for bacne and folliculitis is similar to treating acne on the face. Here, we list the ways to banish bacne in time for the summer season so you can wear your swimsuits with confidence.


Shower immediately.

Especially if you’re the active type, hit the showers immediately after your morning run or after coming from the gym. Even when you’ve spent the whole day at the beach or you’re just going about your usual day under the sun, it’s important to rinse off the dirt, oil, sweat, and occasionally sunscreen that have accumulated on your skin. Although it should go without saying, make sure to wear clean and dry clothes.

When cleansing your back, reach for a skin cleanser containing ingredients that specifically target acne caused by bacteria. The Aknicare Cleanser contains triclosan, pyruvic acid, and triethyl citrate that combat fungus and bacteria buildup and rejuvenate the skin.

Aknicare Cleanser

Aknicare Cleanser, P1,650.

Also, choose a gentle exfoliator that will help move skin renewal along for better and smoother skin.


Stick to an anti-bacne skincare routine.

More importantly, stick to a skincare routine that works, including products with special ingredients that calm inflammation and fight acne-building bacteria. You may be more tempted to touch and feel your skin at the onslaught of a new zit, but all that contact, along with trying a bevvy of products, may only be irritating your skin further. Opt for a dermatologist-approved line designed to target the underlying causes of bacne flare-ups in its different phases.

Aknicare is a range of skincare products designed for acne-prone skin. Their products have been clinically tested and proven to counteract the causes of acne without the use of steroids or antibiotics—they’re safe enough for daily use and maintenance.

Aknicare CB Chest & Back

Aknicare CB Chest & Back, P2,100.

The Aknicare Chest & Back Spray is designed to be used on dry and clean skin after showering. The spray is also designed to allow access to hard-to-reach areas, controlling and fighting symptoms of inflamed and comedogenic acne on the chest and back.

Aknicare Gentle Cleansing Gel

Aknicare Gentle Cleansing Gel, P1,700.

In order to further prevent the growth of white, red, and inflamed bumps, or otherwise known as comedones, papules, and pustules, reach for a gentle cleansing gel by Aknicare designed for sensitive and acne-prone skin. GT-Peptide-10 inhibits the growth of bacteria, preventing flare-ups.

Aknicare Cream

Aknicare Cream, P1,450.

Meanwhile, while some popular acne-targeting ingredients can tend to dry out the skin, this Aknicare Cream contains hyaluronic acid that keeps skin supple and nourished while preventing pesky seborrhea-caused comedones, papules, and pustules from forming.


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