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Privacy Policy

Bella Pelle Skin Solutions is committed to safeguarding your personal information pursuant to the provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173). Your privacy is important to us and we assure you that Bella Pelle Skin Solutions holds all your personal information in the strictest privacy, while it allows us to provide the products and services you need for the very best customer experience.

Our primary purpose in collecting information is to provide you with safe, smooth, efficient, and customized service. Your personal information will only be used for product and service fulfillment, internal operations and prevention of fraud and other harm, and for legal compliance.

The personal information you provide to us – name, address, email address, telephone number, cellphone number, social media account – are necessary to efficiently respond to your queries, inform you of special offers, process your orders, and ensure the delivery of your orders. We will not sell or rent your personal information to any third party. We will not share or intentionally release your personal information unless required by law or a valid legal process.

By accepting this Data Privacy Agreement, you grant your voluntary and unconditional consent to the collection and processing of all Personal Data and records relating to you to the information database system of Bellapelleph and/or any of its authorized agent/s or representative/s as Information controller, by whatever means in accordance with Republic Act (R.A.) 10173, otherwise known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012” of the Republic of the Philippines, including its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) as well as all other guidelines and issuances by the National Privacy Commission (NPC).  

For any concerns, please contact us here, or send us an email at

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