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The Wet Season Can Make You More Prone To These Skin Dilemmas

Heads up: It’s the season of fungal infections.

When it comes to skin conditions, hardly anyone ever talks about fungal infections, a.k.a mycosis, or skin diseases caused by fungus. And we get it. A case of athlete’s foot or a similar condition, after all, is not something you casually open up about during Sunday brunch.

Truth be told, though, fungal infections are fairly common, and this is especially true during the rainy season when the air is saturated with moisture. The increased humidity, which can make everything damp, can cause bacteria, viruses, and even fungi to thrive. When fungus infects the skin, it can cause a slew of symptoms, including irritation, redness, itching, swelling, blisters, and even scaling.

Here’s a quick rundown of the most common fungal infections that can afflict your skin or your family’s:


  1. Ringworm
    Also known as dermatophytosis or tinea, ringworm infection is the most common and contagious fungal infection of the skin. It usually resembles a worm in the shape of a ring (hence, the name), and often affects skin folds such as the groin, underarms, and neck.
  2. Athlete’s Foot
    Contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t just affect “athletes.” Otherwise known as tinea pedis, this condition usually stems from going barefoot in public places, such as locker rooms, showers, and pools, as well as wearing wet or dirty socks and footwear.
  3. Tinea Capitis
    This fungal infection affects the scalp, causing patchy skin and even hair loss.
  4. Nail Infection
    Accumulation of dirt and bacteria under your nails can lead to a type of fungal infection called onychomycosis, which can cause your nails to become discolored, brittle, thick, and rough. As the infection worsens, the skin around the nails can also become red, swollen, and itchy.

    Dealing with the “F” word

    While we can’t do anything about the changing weather, there are steps you can take to minimize your chances of getting any of these skin infections—and they’re all rooted on good hygiene. Dr. Maximin Navarro, Fellow of the Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS) and co-founder of Bella Pelle Philippines, shares his skin tips.

    Tip #1: Bathe often and thoroughly. “[Take a] bath at least once a day to cleanse off dirt and other harmful microorganisms on your body,” he says. After washing, make sure to properly dry off with a clean towel. Keeping skin clean and dry is the most important prevention tip.

    Tip #2: Change towels regularly. As much as possible—especially if you have an existing fungal infection—change your towels every day. This is to prevent the transmission of infection from one part of the body to another.

    Tip #3: Avoid sharing clothes and footwear. “This helps you avoid the risk of being infected by other people with fungal infection,” says Dr. Navarro. If you must share, make sure to clean the item or your shoes properly before using it again. It’s also good to invest in foot hygiene essentials, like these products from Footlogix.

    Footlogix Foot Fresh Deodorant Spray, P1,250
    Footlogix Sweaty Feet Formula
    Footlogix Sweaty Feet Formula, P1,600

    Footlogix Rough Skin Formula, P1,400

    Footlogix Peeling Skin Formula, P1,400

    Tip #4: Keep your skin folds dry. Since fungus can easily attack areas where there’s extra moisture, make sure to keep them dry. Use antiperspirant on underarms and apply zinc oxide cream on skin folds. Products with talc and calamine also help, especially on existing skin irritations.

    Froika Froicalm Cream, P1,850

    Froika Omega Plus Cream, P2,200

    Froika Baby Liquid Talc, P1,700

    Froika Baby Cream, P1,750

    Tip #5: Avoid walking barefoot especially in public places. Areas such as public showers, locker rooms, and pool areas are hotspots for fungus, so save your feet by always donning a pair of slippers.

    Tip #6: Use your own nail tools. To steer clear of fungal infections on your nails, invest in your own nail instruments and don’t share them with others. If you’re getting professional services, make sure your manicurist provides a fresh set of tools for you.


    Tip #7: Boost your immune system. “This is to make our body strong to fight against infections, including fungal infections,” explains Dr. Navarro. Exercise, get lots of rest, follow a balanced diet, and drink your vitamins. Nutritional supplements also help as these give you an extra dose of nutrients your body needs.

    Metagenics PhtyoMulti, P2,200
    Pure Encapsulations Zinc 15
    Pure Encapsulations Zinc 15

    Metagenics D3 2000 Complex, P1,500

    Metagenics OmegaGenics EPA-DHA 720


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